Leftist fascism packaged as anti-hate altruism

I watched a clever time-travel movie last night. It had me fascinated until I recognized the underlying hatred and fear of its message.

The name of the movie is In The Shadow Of The Moon, produced in 2019 by Netflix. The movie is well acted, shot and produced. I have no criticism whatsoever regarding its fine execution as an engrossing sci-fi mystery.

If that is the case, why do I have a problem with it?

Because it takes the age-old fantasy of going back in time and killing Hitler and uses it to justify the cold-blooded murder of dozens, perhaps hundreds, of innocent people who are either closely or distantly connected to a future event. And because of that future event, in the exact words of the movie's serial killer 'savior' of the human race, "the world as you know it will end in a very short time. And you have no idea what's coming."

Late in the movie, while the serial killer we're supposed to see as a self-sacrificing savior explains more about why she and the scientist commit all this murder, we clearly see the villain who originally started the "Real American Movement" was an ideologue who promoted white supremacy, and just for an added bad-character bonus, is also a smoker and a cocaine addict. And of course his claustrophobic, low-income housing room wherein he types all his race-based hate on an antique manual typewriter features 'assault' rifles and paper torso targets on the walls. Because, as we all know, maniacs in the 80's used manual typewriters instead of computers or electric word processors, and anyone who loves guns and the Second Amendment is a murderous white supremacist at heart.

Earlier in the movie, that same white supremacist leader had referred to his followers as patriots, conveniently completing the ridiculous fear-based portrait of the typical conservative stereotype so cherished by the Left. That stereotype being the patriotic American as someone to fear instead of someone to be proud of and inspired by. Inspired by the heights of the same vision and courage that created and maintained this great country that we share called the United States of America.

Toward the end of her righteous explanation for her mass murder spree over several decades, as we see the dehumanized (numbers instead of names) "subjects terminated," and the books these victims read are shown to us, those being about George Washington, Thomas Jefferson (the bus driver killed early in the movie was reading that one), Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, the savior character says, "I came back to erase an idea. Because some thoughts are meant to be buried. Some before they even begin."

Not one copy of "The Manifesto of the Communist Party" or "Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook" of course. No one reading those materials could possibly be dangerous to our society, according to the writers of this film.

In the words of the deluded fascist scientist who dreams up this mass murder, and yet thinks he's doing a truly good and great deed for all of humanity: "Imagine you could erase the American Civil War. How would you do it? Would you kill Jefferson Davis? Robert E. Lee? Lincoln? All the Confederate and Union leaders? But that might not be enough to erase an idea. Maybe we have to kill the people who made them who they are, who gave them their moral and political beliefs. Friends, fathers, mothers, grandparents. How far back would you have to go to snuff out the spark that lit the fuse? But if you eliminated the right combination of people, one by one, until you got to the exact start of it, until you got to the one that undoes it all...you could reshape the future."

There have been other people in history who thought that way. People who thought, if I just get rid of the right people, I can make a perfect Utopia where all human beings are equal. That exact thought process went on in Hitler's, Stalin's, Mao's and Pol's heads when they had millions murdered for the sake of quelling rebellion against their ideas of Utopia. History logged the numbers that anyone can search online, it does no good to pretend this is some sort of fear-based conservative or Christian exaggeration.

Stalin had millions of people interned to forced labor, deported, detained, starved to death and physically massacred for such crimes as being higher-income farmers, "socially harmful elements," "enemies of the people," and worshipers of God (as opposed to the State), to name some of the more commonly known reasons.

Hitler exterminated millions of Jews because he believed they were a mortal threat to the German race, mostly due to what he considered destructive cultural influence. Does that sound at all familiar to you in 2022?

What groups are we told are hateful bigots, unable to rise above their own endemic racism, simply because of the color of their skin or their side of the political center?

Furthermore, how many fringe leftists have you seen on Twitter and other social media, making statements to the effect of the world would be better off without those evil, racist, white supremacist Trump supporters? How often have you read and heard and seen on our mainstream media, movies, television and literature, portrayals of people (regardless of color) who voted for Trump as being ignorant, trashy, cult-like rubes who are too stupid to recognize a con man when they see one?

And there it is. Hiding in the darkness underneath all the altruistic "peace on earth and love thy poor and destitute neighbor" ideology that the Left says they champion, lies an insidious idea that makes them no better than the Nazis of World War II Germany. Nazis ironically being a title they love to project onto conservatives, Republicans, and anyone who voted for Trump.

In this world we live in now, it is okay to call conservatives and Republicans Nazis, because hey, they must be evil if they don't agree with socialism over a free market economy, the destruction of small businesses as some sort of asymmetrical payback for historical tragedies, the ripping down of cultural icons such as statues because the very existence of these reminders of the past somehow supports those same historical tragedies, the deliberate conversion of the traditional family into a makeshift hodge-podge of fatherless configurations, the aggrandizing of the female gender while simultaneously vilifying the male gender, the arbitrary stratification of nature's established binary genders into a 'rainbow' of imaginary iSexual perversions, and last but certainly not least, the complete abandonment of the existence and sober influence of God on the personal responsibility of the individual.

Conservatives (the Right) just want to have a nice job, get married, raise children and be left alone. Unfortunately, the Left doesn't know how to let people make their own decisions, and as a result they constantly stir the pot with propaganda, legislation, social media pressure...and their most powerful tool: projection. The Left loves to insist that it's the Right that's overly concerned with race, gender and sexual orientation. That's why the Left's favorite ways of characterizing the Right are by calling them bigots, hate-mongers and homophobes. If you believe those accusations, then you either don't actually know a conservative, or you would rather just embrace lies.

From day one, no matter what inane slogan people have bandied about in an effort to appear as though they possess more virtue than those they disagree with, I have always believed that no gender is superior to another, and no skin color is superior to another. Furthermore, no class is superior to another. I don't hate the poor nor the rich. This means I don't think poor people are automatically virtuous, nor do I think rich people are automatically corrupt.

That's what the Bible teaches and that's what I believe. No amount of mob pressure will ever make me think otherwise.

Allow me to plainly state the conservative social ethic, just in case you're having trouble understanding me: we don't care what you do in your private lives. We only get pissed off and moved to action when other people try to dictate to us what we should think, what we should say, what we should believe in, and how we should raise our children.

And what exactly is the underlying message of this movie that I alluded to at the beginning of this essay?

The message is: if you love America, the flag, the Constitution, the founding fathers and their brilliant ideas about freedom and individuality, then you are a potential white supremacist, insurrectionist, fertilizer-bomb-making enemy of the people...evil, incorrigible and worthy of being murdered to protect the rest of us from the dark civil war fantasy that the Left loves to keep alive in order to increase ratings, book sales and streaming profits.