It finally arrived at my door

Something extremely disheartening happened recently. I was betrayed by someone in power whom I made the mistake of trusting. I never knew his personal politics were so steeped in non-scientific agenda, thereby compelling him to carry out directives any reasonable person would earnestly question.

No personal details of course, as I ended up in the situation due to an unfortunate (as well as misquoted and deliberately mischaracterized) choice of words in the first place.

I pled my case, suspecting the zeitgeist-empowered, woke moral arbiter was going to ignore it without a blink. I was correct.

I'm not going to belabor this with a long essay about how the punishment was considerably out of balance with the "microaggression" that sent unnamed cowards into traumatic paroxysms of "unsafe" anxiety, thereby necessitating their brave endeavor to anonymously destroy me.

I asked, "Wouldn't it have been easier and more reasonable for the person to just tell me they didn't like or agree with what I said?"

The arbiter of course had no answer for that, because in truth, the craven and fragile people he seeks to protect ultimately have no excuse other than they wish to wield power over others in the excessive ways currently in fashion. Oh that's right, I forgot; cancel culture doesn't exist.

I will end this simply:

The irony of giving one group a voice while rationalizing the censorship of another group's voice always seems to be lost on the virtuous and evolved champions of the mentally unstable.