
nobody special
Different Drum Racism An open letter to Jenna Mitchler
Master Projectors Love is love? Why you won't repent
Stop lying to yourselves Underestimation of the population Decline
Reprobate mindset Why secession spells doom Freedom, Gen Z style
Logic of the lost Icarus generations Who is Nefarious?
Words for deaf ears Mia Olson and the chain of lies The well of child protection...
Not so hidden hypocrisy The Sparkle Creed The Big Surprise
Comparing two sets of Commandments You are the problem You don't know what you're doing
Response to OldManRiv3r Why most of us are going to burn Relativism is a hallucinogenic
Reality escapes the fanatic Leftist radicals blindly seal... Creed of the True Progressive
Why are words violence? Pronouns and rainbows The Millennial Wokerati
Truth and consequences It finally arrived at my door Leftist fascism packaged as anti-hate...
Love to hate Statues now, your house next What's the real end game?
You don't know what you got, 'til it's gone Biting the hand that protects you Supporters of BLM aren't paying...
The Media's racist narrative is killing us CHAZ, a study in adult toddler philosophy What the numbers really say
Further exploring...Antifa terrorism More Antifa analysis to ponder Antifa much more than disgruntled kids
A voice in the political wilderness A dearth of honesty Apple lies, dates do not
Enemies of the truth Travis Baldree is the Man Definitely NOT one to one
Conservative Flight The squirrel and the driver They just want to share
Communism versus Socialism How soon we forget... The Lake of Fire
Val Demings needs to repent Christianity Today blunders considerably The chicken or the egg?
These two angels walk into a city... Alphabet sword, part 2 Chick-fil-A has fallen to the Alphabet sword
Evil is now good, good is now evil YouTube censorship continues Catch-22 alive and well
Lost without your love The Precipice Resentment disguised as justice
Climate Change, aka "How dare you!" Divide and Conquer as predicted... "The Frame" by Jamin and Kiowa Winans
The disparity is there if you know where to look Wonders never cease where money is involved One more notch on Google's evil bedpost
The comedy of the contemptibly inadequate Simple message about hatred Lemmings in the breeze
Showdown (Special Edition) Where it all starts... Fear-mongering Vox joins the Fake News crew
"The Dark" movie is unique and complex First Amendment violations gather... The media blackout of "Unplanned"...
"Unplanned" is not just another movie "Moments From A Sidewalk" More Lies From Greed Hastings
Resistance? To What? False Equivalence The Considerable Power of Fantasy Land
Imaginary Boogiemen Laughed At By Polar Vortex The Kingdom of Heaven Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: the Left's Trump
The Burden of Responsibility The long view of societal disruption Tom Green just doesn't get it
First Reformed succeeds... The silence of the humble The Ad Hominem Platform
The Convenient Multiverse Ignoring the Media Finally, a very real inroad for Linux...
Legal Marijuana Now party? A simple warning to the Left A simple test to see if Trump...
The DNC's latest pre-election trick Marxism: The Politics of Envy The Liberal Media is responsible...
It's Liberals and Conservatives vs. the Left Mother!: a twisted re-telling... Washington Post Throws In...
NYT Anonymous Op-Ed Nothing More... "Humanism and Its Aspirations"... Gibson Brands Ceases the Development...
The puzzling lack of evidence The unadvertised nature of science Women's March on Washington
The statistical difficulty of atheism Genesis 15:6 Hidden meaning or coincidence?
The real delusion An Apple ugly truth A revealing dichotomy
Why Windows and Mac OS are doomed Thirty dollars? A somewhat brief explanation
The audacity of the mediocre Epiphany The bliss of ignorance
Worthy of earnest consideration A poster child for myopia Apple Computer hype
Godzilla! You are a cash cow Waterworld is coming! Waterworld is coming!
When they speak, listen *closer* Our faith in science Kite Runner Commandments
Bye bye Global Warming, hello Future Freeze ..."Darwinist Cognitive Dissonance" Why I no longer promote Linux
A keen observation Darwinist Cognitive Dissonance Calm down, atheists
A perfect metaphor It's about worldview, not facts Evidence for the existence of God
A not-so-secret secret to happiness A joke about evolutionary biologists One more waste of time
A revelation Pirates of Silicon Valley Tom Green's relentless shame
The dark glass Ageless dissonance Ego amplification for profit
The evil that cell phone companies do Freedom of speech? YouTubers Anonymous
Counting The snare of pride A moment of pondering
The monkey on our backs Recent developments Balancing the scales
Where can we go from here? Who's doin' this? The liberation of humanity
A slave to doubt Peculiar integrity Forgiveness requires sincere remorse
Tired of swimming against the DRM tide The living sacrifice Complicit puppetry
The significance of perspective Father Albert should turn in his collar Christopher Hitchens, rest in peace
All hail Otto West! The irresistible power of delusion Divide and conquer
Money corrupts music Ann Coulter was not owned - an addendum Ann Coulter was not owned
Hypocrisy, Tom Green style What game publishers fear The DRM trail of tears
Why I eschew the news The latest offensive defense Blizzard's Worlds of DRMcraft - A manifesto
Keeping his DRM head in the sand Beware the Motley Fool's advice "The X Factor USA:" petty...
"Astro's" defining moment Capitulation, Netflix style The Netflix downward spiral
CEO doublespeak, courtesy of Netflix The Netflix-Starz reminder No compass, will travel
Steve Jobs is no genius Our king's disguise Typical misdirection
DRM analogy Still not okay... The evil that Steam does
The evil that game publishers do The truth about Duke Nukem Forever Noah's Ark is slick!
"Poor" believers Don't wait for 'someday' For the sake of clarity
The necessity for justice The toxic and useless criminal mind Revenge of the Nerds
A good laugh regarding cloud computing Technology does not equal wisdom The movie "Knowing" exposes ignorance
The dangling of the carrot The puzzle of modern love "Server" does not equal "Servile"
The Darwin fish The most inconvenient truth of all The game collector
The Meter of Civility The relentless penguin Backup yourself!
No Harm, No Foul? Tools of Manipulation Obtain a clue
DRM continues despite growing objections A prayer for Blood First effects of the mighty BFP
Nostalgia with a slice of humble pie The BFP cometh The value of open minds
Darwinian dogma Insomnia Hysterics are in the details
An objection to propaganda Libertines, Victorians and Destiny Wiccan and Christian Doctrine
Capitalism The Tree House of Evolution Subjectivity
DRM: The Harbinger of Game Revenue Death Lord Dawkins... Creation and Evolution...
Kinds of Minds Hofstadter's Strange Loop The Hidden Face of God